
Infraspeak (55 Empregados)
Rua da Constituição 358
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About Infraspeak.

Infraspeak develops the most efficient, flexible and user-friendly software to excel at facility and asset management. We use the most advanced web, mobile and IoT technologies to radically increase control and productivity of our customers, reducing bureaucracy, risks and costs.

We were born in Porto, Portugal, but in just a few years in the market we are growing fast, having already hundreds of customers in 3 continents and world’s leading investors from Portugal, United Kingdom and USA, so we want to invest in our team to keep growing.

  • We believe in meritocracy, holacracy and ownership.
  • We believe only great teams can build great products (and that customers are part of our team)
  • We believe happiness is in the path, not at the end of it.
  • Everything we do must be simpler and smarter.

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