Full stack developer

Joã*** ***** (XX anos)
Full Stack Developer em Sensing Feeling
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Viana do Castelo,
Viana do Castelo
Este candidato está disposto a se mudar
Full Stack Developer
Sensing Feeling
mar 2019 - Atualmente
I'm currently employed in London, United Kingdom as a full stack developer. In my current role I'm responsible for planning and developing end to end features for our dashboard using data collectedfrom DynamoDB and Postgres, Task I have:
• Refactored our codebase to use the latest react and redux practices, including hooks and redux sagas for real timecontinuous data fetching.
• Designed and built responsive components
• Built new api endpoints and documented them using swagger
• Handle request´s security/authentication layer
• Removed unnecessary boilerplate
• Built a library/utils with helper functions
• Experience with AWS Javascript SDK for Lex, S3, Lambda and Dynamodb
Engenharia Informatica
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
set 2016 - fev 2019

Português - Nativo
Inglês - Professional
Espanhol - Básico